Police Rank Structure

Here you will find information on the careers that are available within the UK Police Service.

Rank Structure

When you join the Police service you begin your career as a probationary police constable. You have to complete two years satisfactory Police service before you can be affirmed as a fully fledged Police Constable.

Every police officer in the UK is issued with a warrant number at their date of joining. This warrant number remains with them throughout their career and is visible on their shoulder epaulette up to and including the rank of sergeant.

In order to progress to the rank of Sergeant you require to pass police promotion exams, which test you further on your knowledge regarding Police procedures and law. After passing all the promotion exams you may then be considered for vacancies as they arise. A Sergeant requires to have a good knowledge of the Police service and be an experienced officer.

In order to progress through the senior ranks in the Police service it requires hard work and dedication to the job, often working long hours and continuing training throughout your career.


The ranks within the police service are, in descending order of seniority:
Chief Constable (Most Senior Police Officer)
Deputy Chief Constable
Assistant Chief Constable
Chief Superintendent
Chief Inspector
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